
Leonardo da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti called Salaì

Leonardo da Vinci and Gian Giacomo Caprotti called Salaì

The enigma of a painting

pp. 260 con 179 ill. a col. e 28 b/n, 1° ed.

"The imitable sciences are those in which the disciple becomes the equal of his master, and produces his results similarly. These are useful to the imitator but are not as excellent as are those which cannot be left as an inheritance, as can other things. Among the latter painting is foremost. It cannot be taught to those who are not naturally fitted for it, as can mathematics, where the discipline absorbs as much as the teacher reads to him. It cannot be copied as can words and phrases, where the copy is worth as much as the original, insofar as the excellent of the work is concerned. It does not have an infinity of progeny as does the printing of books. Painting alone remanins precious and unique, never bringing forth children equal to itself." Leonardo Da Vinci


Nato a Milano, da una famiglia di antiquari alla terza generazione di attività. Sin dai tempi del liceo ha iniziato a seguire il padre nei suoi viaggi alla ricerca di opere d’arte. Con un gruppo di lavoro scientifico ha dato vita a due pubblicazioni: Tiziano nelle Gallerie Fiorentine, catalogo della mostra, Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, 1978 e Raffaello a Firenze, catalogo della mostra, Firenze, Palazzo Pitti, 1984. Attualmente è libero professionista e si occupa di ricerche archivistiche.Maurizio Zecchini was born in Milan, to a family of three generations of antiquarians. He started to accompany his father on his journeys in search of works of art in his high-school days. Working with a group of experts, he has brought out two publications: Tiziano nelle Gallerie Fiorentine, catalogue of the exhibition at Palazzo Pitti, Florence, 1978, and Raffaello a Firenze, catalogue of the exhibition at Palazzo Pitti, Florence, 1984. Currently he works freelance and devotes himself to research in the archives.